This the second topic. The first one written with the new topic form

  • 06-16-2023, 4:21am

    Okay, what to say? Lets see, if that works.

    Maybe some testing formattings here??

    Also some code snippet?

     * Gets all available information of user
     * @param      int $userid The ID of the user
     * @since      3.0.0
     * @version    0.9
     * @access     private
     * @return     array|bool
     * @author     Christin Löhner <>
     * @copyright  1999 - 2023 by Christin Löhner <>
     * @license    GNU General Public License v3
    function apb_GetUserInfo(int $userid)
      if ((int)$userid <= 0) return false;
      $query = "SELECT * FROM `" . $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_tableprepend'] . "user` WHERE `id` = " . $userid . "";
      $user = $GLOBALS['db']->unbuffered_query_first($query);
      if (trim($user['profilepic']) == "") {
        $user['profilepic'] = $GLOBALS['apb_style_url'] . '/images/noProfilePic.png';
      } else {
        $user['profilepic'] = $GLOBALS['apb_uploads_url'] . "/" . $user['userhash'] . '/' . $user['profilepic'];
      $user['profilelink'] = $GLOBALS['apb_AbsoluteRootUrl'] . "/user/" . $user['id'];
      return $user;

    This forum is not finished yet! It is just in development and in the process of being created! But you can follow the process here and of course participate. Contact Christin Löhner if you want to participate in this ambitious project.

    APBoard NG Copyright (c) 2023 by Christin Löhner

  • 06-16-2023, 9:31am

    Lets try to answer as different user...
